Police reports

Monday, May 13

- Unsecured Building - Officer notified owner.

- Caller reported eagle hit the power line and is dead.

- Possible Gunshot reported – UTL.

- Citation issued to Shannon Booker, age 35, for Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance.

Tuesday, May 14

- Caller reported hitting deer with vehicle. Officer responded.

- Dead deer found on the Nature Trail.

Wednesday, May 15

- Officer requested due to damage being done to home.

- Report of suspicious letter being received.

- Report of injured eagle. Officer responded.

- Caller requested an officer due to power being turned off.

Thursday, May 16

- Report of vehicle reportedly running school bus light.

- Report of MVA that happened day before. People spoke with officer and had him look at vehicle.

- Traffic stop. Verbal warning for driving habits - riding the fog line.

- Person reported vehicle parked in front of their house for several days. Officer made contact with owner. Vehicle had broken down. Vehicle will be taken care of.

- Person reported they lost their wallet.

- Person came into station to speak with officer about kids throwing rocks at windows. Officer checked out the area and all looks okay.

- Traffic stop - Verbal warning for unsecured plate.

Friday, May 17

- Noise disturbance complaint.

- Person reported credit card theft.

- Caller reported having problems with oxygen tank.

- Possible assault.

- Caller reported hitting deer.

- Disabled vehicle. Owner will be notified and asked to move vehicle.

Saturday, May 18

- Possible DUI.

- Harassment. Verbal warning was given.

Sunday, May 19

- Trespass Warning given.

- Noise Complaint. Verbal warning was given for Disorderly Conduct.


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