Mariner's Memorial conceptual designs released

The proposed Mariner’s Memorial at Heritage Harbor is one step closer to becoming a reality as the Wrangell Port Commission has released a professional design document showing what the structure might look like once built.

A set of elevation drawings and a floor plan completed by Corvus Design of Anchorage is now in the hands of the city – plans that show an octagonal design with some sides of the memorial open to the air and to allow visitors to enter the gazebo-styled structure.

Port Commission president Brennon Eagle said that although the city has a conceptual plan now, the project is on hold briefly while the commission seeks funding – and public support – for the project.

“We have been offered some help from the Rasmuson Foundation in design and construction, so where we are at right now is trying to document the public desire for this memorial,” Eagle said. “We are on hold now until about September when we can get back together and document the public support, submit it to Rasmuson, and hopefully they will be able to help with the design and building of the memorial. We want to move it from concept, where it is right now, to actual design and the construction.”

The design was completed by Christopher Mertl of Corvus, and a series of quotes the city has received from Northwest Playground Equipment, Inc. of Issaquah, Wash., show that the cost of the memorial could range from approximately $42,000 for a 20-foot diameter structure, to just over $60,000 for a building 28 feet in diameter.

That cost would not include walls or assembly at the proposed site, near the end of the breakwater at Heritage.

Any Wrangell residents wanting to submit written support for the memorial should contact Eagle at 874-2162.


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