Reflections: "WWJD" or better yet, "WDJD"

“WWJD” for the text savvy, is means “What Would Jesus Do?” It is often referred to when trying to figure out the right course of action when dealing with other humans and their needs. All to often these days, people are so focused on their own selfish desires that what is good for others is of little consequence. When observing others in need it's shrugged off with, “It's not my problem”. Occasionally some one does make it their problem, and unselfishly puts someone's need before their own and they are hailed as hero's.

In Isaiah 58, God hammers those who were all sanctimonious, praying and fasting, thinking they were really holy, while the whole time they were exploiting the poor. God then slams them. He tell them that He hates the “holier than thou act”, and tells them to focus outside of themselves for a change. He tells them, ”Right the injustices, set the oppressed free, share your food with the hungry, give a room to the homeless and clothing to those in need, then you can expect me to take you seriously and I will bless you in ways you can't imagine. I will satisfy all your needs.

The people didn't get it, so Jesus came and showed us what God had been talking about. He went around putting the needs of others before his own. Now “WDJD” “What Did Jesus Do?” seems like a good question to be asking.

Lets practice what we preach!

Pastor Howard Williams

Wrangell SDA Church


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