The Way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

July 10, 1913: The Fourth of July was celebrated in Wrangell in the good old-fashioned way. At the hour of midnight, fire-crackers, torpedoes and in fact any contrivance that could be made to make a noise was begun and throughout the morning sleep was out of the question for those who lived near the “firing line.” The day was exceptionally fine and with the exception of occasional showers was all that could be wished for. Early in the day people began to arrive from the different towns and camps adjacent to Wrangell, all eager to join in the festivities of the day. At eleven o'clock the exercises began in Red Men's hall and the program was an interesting one. The Wrangell band furnished the music throughout the day and considering the number of pieces making up the band, the boys are entitled to much credit for the high class of music they furnished.

July 1, 1938: Dr. E.J. Wheeler returned last week from a short visit to the south where he went to purchase a dental X-ray. The machine arrived in Wrangell this week and is now installed in his dental office and in operation. Dr. Wheeler selected the newest type Victor Coolidge Dental X-ray Unit, manufactured by General Electric Company, for the reason that it employs the Coolidge oil-immersed tube rendering it 100 percent electrically safe and shock proof. While the CDX was primarily designed for dental radiographic service, its radiographic range is wide enough to include satisfactory radiographs of all bony extremities, for fractures, dislocations and similar needs.

July 5, 1963: A power outage at the City light plant Friday afternoon, lasting two hours and three minutes not only put the town out of lights and power but shut down The Sentinel for the same time. Add to this two hours more it takes for the linotype metal to reheat hot enough to set type and you will know why you didn't get your paper until about 8 p.m. So, that's why, in answer to numerous calls your Sentinel is late. This is the first time, in 25 years publishing in Wrangell that this situation has occurred and we think that's a pretty good record. As a matter of fact, through the past 30 years Wrangell's power and light plant has had an average of only nine minutes outage a year. We think that's another pretty good record. We thank our readers for their patience. The power failure was reported due to a burned out switch.

June 30, 1988: Residents have until July 8 to comment on a proposal to impose a new penalty system for cancellation of Alaska Marine Highway reservations. The proposed change to state regulations would impose a 10 percent charge for canceling berths, state room accommodations, passenger or vehicle deck space reservations less than 14 days before departure. Doug Burton, ferry system traffic manager, said the change would institute the 10 percent penalty (with a minimum charge of $10) on all ferry runs statewide. Previously, the ferry system would impose different penalty percentages depending on the number of days before sailing the cancellation was made. This waiver provision resulted in some people trying to get around the system and probably cut back on the amount of revenue the ferries received from the penalties. Burton said the ferry system likely will collect as much revenue from the 10 percent across-the-board penalties than from the more severe fines imposed previously. While comments now are being accepted on the penalty proposal, Burton said the system already is in effect on the Marine Highway System. The public-comment period is being held as the system prepares to actually write the fines into the state's administrative regulation book.


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