Police reports

Monday, August 5

- Officer responded to report of intoxicated person walking down the middle of road. Officer gave person ride home.

- Person reported a theft, officer responded.

- Person reported a property taken out of vehicle, under investigation.

- Person brought in some found property.

Tuesday, August 6

- Officer responded to an alarm going off.

- Officer responded to a report of person being disorderly.

Wednesday, August 7

- Officer reported a suspicious vehicle with a flat tire.

- Officer responded to an alarm going off, all was secure.

Thursday, August 8

- Curfew Warning: Four juveniles given curfew warning on Front Street.

- Traffic: Citation issued to Peter Alan Branson, 56, for Over Time Limit Parking at Reliance.

- Juvenile Drinking Party: C.D., 16, charged with MCA- Second Offense; K.B., 15, charged with MCA- First Offense; L.R., 16, charged with MCA- Repeat Offense; Kyler Nore, 18, charged with MCA- Repeat Offense; Steven Barger, 18, charged with Furnishing Alcoholic Beverages to Persons Under 21 and MCA- Second Offense; Nicholas D. Lewis, 20, charged with MCA- Second Offense; A.H. 17, charged with MCA- First Offense.

Disorderly Conduct.

- Parking: Citation issued to Garrett E. Bradford for Time Limit Parking, Exceeding 30 Minute Parking at Reliance.

- Citizen Report of Possible DUI: Truck in the ditch at Panhandle Trailer Court.

Friday, August 9

- Assault: Arrested J.S., 13, on charges of Assault III/DV and Assault IV/DV, two counts on each charge.

Saturday, August 10

- Intoxicated Person: Trespass warning given.

- Loud Party: Disorderly Conduct warning given.

- Assault IV/DV: Arrested James T. Goldsbury, 56, on charges of Assault IV/DV.

- Traffic Complaint: Report of speeders through the construction zone.

- Traffic Stop: Verbal warning.

- Traffic Stop: Citation issued to Gerrit Southland, 30, for Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance and verbal warning for faulty equipment.

- Traffic Stop: Citation issued to Eric Crayne, 21, for Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance and Expired Registration. Verbal warning for driving habits and faulty equipment.

Sunday, August 11

- Arrested Robert Joseph Arambul, 54, on charges of Driving under the Influence.

- Citation issued to M.D. for curfew violation.

- Person reported burning at dump.

- Officer responded to report of people not following the pilot car and driving through construction zone.

- Officer requested to unlock vehicle. Vehicle was unlocked.

There were five ambulance calls and three dog complaints during this reporting period.


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