Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

As I am about to launch my boat I want to thank the fine folks of Wrangell and to compliment you on your City Ship Yard.

I came to Wrangell two months ago and had no clue as to how I was going to fix my boat or what it might involve. With the assistance of Alan and Leslie Cummings of The Grand View B&B I was off to a good start. I contacted a first class glass man at Keller Marine. Steve did a great job and I was able to have my boat in town in the yard.

Once we started digging in to the bad decks I found that my fuel tanks needed to be replaced. On to Svendsen Marine and Dave was right there to assist me. I found more and more things to repair and with the assistance of Dave Miller (a first class diesel mechanic) and his son Ryan (a really good welder) things started to come together. When I pulled my tail shaft I learned there was an excellent machinist available here. Thank you Tyler.

The biggest surprise I had was the amount of time it took to get this project done. I had no idea that it was going to be this involved. But the bottom line is that I am very pleased with the way everyone has pitched in to make my stay here very pleasant. I thank everyone who helped during this project.

I was really impressed by the way everyone worked together to make the customer happy. Wrangell you are definitely on the right track.

My only suggestion is to get a first class hydraulics shop in town.

In closing, thank you all very much for a first class job.

Ben Hastings



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