Police reports

Monday, August 12

Officer reported suspicious odor coming from vehicle.

Person reported vehicle ignoring flaggers. Officer notified.

Citation issued to Victoria Martin for Failure to Stop at stop sign.

Person reported someone almost hit his kids on the sidewalk. Officer was UTL vehicle and driver.

Person requested an officer to unlock vehicle.

Person reported two vehicles not obeying the flaggers.

Report of person looking into vehicles. Officer was UTL.

Officer was requested to do a walk through at a bar.

Tuesday, August 13

Fire department dispatched. Person was told about the burn ban.

SAR notified of a man on a log trying to get to shore. Man was fine, he was on paddle board.

Wednesday, August 14

Citation issued to Kim Wickman, 30, for Dog at Large. Dog was returned to owner.

Citation issued to Elizabeth Arrington for Dog at Large.

Officer responded to a dog complaint. Officer talked to owner.

TSA confiscated ammunitions from passenger.

Officer responded to report of intoxicated person. Individual was taken home.

Person reported a DV. Officer responded all was fine it was a verbal altercation.

Person reported son missing. Officers took her son home.

Officers responded to an alarm going off. All was fine.

DOT was requested to get porcupine off of runway.

Thursday, August 15

Curfew Violation: Warning given.


Agency Assist/Ex Parte.

Agency Assist/Line Crew.

Intoxicated Person.

Abandoned Vehicle: Owner contacted; vehicle broke down, will be moved in the morning.

Friday, August 16

SAR: Report of missing child. Child found.

Petition to Revoke Probation: Charges filed on James Goldsbury.

Intoxicated Person.

Inmate Booking: Booked Steven Marshall; transferred from KCC for sentencing hearing.

Traffic Stop: Citations issued to Eric M. Crayne, 21, for Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance and Expired Registration.

Saturday, August 17

Assault IV/DV: Arrested Daniel A. Gonzalez-Fawcett, 23, on charges of Assault IV/DV.


Suspicious Circumstance.

Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Sunday, August 18

Citation issued to Brooke Leslie, 28, for Dog at Large.

Officer received a report of a civil issue.

There were five ambulance calls and one dog complaint during this week.


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