Police reports

Monday, August 26

-Harassing Phone Calls

-Criminal Mischief/Unfounded

-Agency Assist/Adult Probation

Tuesday, August 27

-Found Property: Cell phone turned in.

-Bird Complaint.

-Found Property: Owner contacted, item returned.

-Owner given warning about dog being off leash.

-Citation issued to Joey Phelan, 18, for Dog At Large.

Wednesday, August 28

-Officer responded to parking complaint.

-Officer responded to report of unattended child. Unfounded.

-Person reported a reckless driver. Officer was UTL.

-Report of stolen bike.

Thursday, August 29

-Arrested David Makol, 26, on charges of VCOR.

-Person reported a dog whining and barking downtown. Officer was unable to catch dog.

-Traffic Stop: verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Friday, August 30

-Citation issued to Jazmyn Waddington-Wright, 21, for Dog At Large.

-Report of Theft.

-Citation issued to Tiffany Martinez, 25, for Driving While License Revoked.

-Criminal Mischief.

-Citizen Report DUI.

-Agency Assist/FD: Report of broken water line.

Saturday, August 31

-Possible Domestic Assault.

-Smoke Complaint: Persons burning brush.

-Citation issued to Jack Fain, Jr., 57, for Driving Without Valid License, Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance and Expired Registration.

-Suspicious Circumstance.

Sunday, September 1

-Citizen Assist: Vehicle unlocked.

There were five ambulance calls and two dog complaints during this week.


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