Meet the Candidates - Assembly


Name: Julie Decker

Age: 40

Occupation: self employed – commercial fishing and seafood development

What background or experience do you have that qualifies you to be an Assembly member?

I have served on Wrangell’s Economic Development Committee for the past seven years. I have also served on the Board of Directors of the Southeast Conference, which is the economic development organization that represents the municipalities and businesses of Southeast Alaska.

Why are you running for the Assembly?

I would like to continue to see positive growth in Wrangell. The local economy has finally bottomed-out and started to rebound after the hard times following both the mill closure and the salmon industry slump.

If elected, what issues and concerns will you address?

I would like to see the Institute property utilized in some positive way. It is a valuable community asset. I would like to see the 6 Mile mill site utilized. It is privately owned now, but the City can encourage future development or expansion there. The City’s Marine Service Center has been successful at encouraging the growth of local, small businesses. I would like to see that continue and expand. One of the biggest restrictions to growth right now is the need for additional space. The hospital project needs to continue to move forward. I will also discuss a plan for developing lots which are privately owned, but do not have public roads/utilities/etc.


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