Police reports

Monday, September 9

-Suspicious Circumstance.

-Report of Theft.

-Traffic Complaint.

Tuesday, September 10

-Warrant Arrest: Arrested Jack Fain, 56, on charges of Failure to Appear for Arraignment.

Found Property.

Wednesday, September 11

-Person reported kitten in their yard but called back to say it had disappeared.

-Person requested vehicle unlocked. Officer responded.

Thursday, September 12

-Vehicle unlocked.

-Caller reported gas siphoned from their boat. Extra patrol requested.

-Report of a dead blue Heron.

Friday, September 13

-Person called stating she was having problems and requested an officer. Officer responded.

-Warning for faulty equipment and expired registration.

-Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

-Person reported they are having a controlled burn.

-Notices posted on vehicles with out of state plates.

-Dog from pound returned to owner.

Saturday, September 14

-Courtesy Transport.

-Arrested: Shawnathon S. Arrington on Parole Warrant.

-Shotgun that was found was brought into station. Possible owner notified.

-Person having control burn.

-Parking complaint.

-Civil Issue- info asked regarding issues with juvenile.

-Possible Search & Rescue.

Sunday, September 15

-Officer removed dead porcupine from road.

-Officer was requested to check on individual for call care alarm going off. No one home.

-Report of dead brown bear on beach. Officer responded.

-Found property.

There were two ambulance calls and one dog call during this report period.


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