Meet the Candidates - Port Commission Two seats available

John Yeager

Name: John Yeager

Age: 45

Occupation: Fishing Guide and co-owner of Alaska Charters & Adventures.

What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience related to the position you are seeking?

I have been on the Port Commission for a few years now and have had the privilege of serving with some positive, community driven individuals. I like the diversity and combined years of experience our current Commission has. I feel that a Commission with members that represent all aspects and user groups of our community as well as the vision to carry our Ports and Harbors into the future is imperative. I feel that it’s the people of Wrangell that use the ports and harbors and those who keep their boats here, who deserve a commission that is goal orientated and serves the public.

What do you see as the most pressing issue currently for the Port Commission?

I think it is difficult to narrow in on one specific issue however; I would say that I feel that the Port Commission must continue to improve The Marine Service Center as best it can, provide opportunities for economic growth that will stimulate our economy and offer employment. The Commission must continue to spearhead the Mariners Memorial project. The current commission has made great strides in making this more of a reality for the people of Wrangell and this project should not lose its current momentum. Another direction that the current commission needs to continue with is the rebuild of Shoemaker Bay which would also provide economic value, safe and viable moorage options, and another harbor facility that Wrangell can be proud of.

How to you propose to attract more business to Wrangell’s port facilities?

I would propose that we continue to develop more opportunities within The Marine Service Center or other options that may present themselves in the future. Address the continuing needs of those businesses that operate within in the MSC and work with them to ensure that the professional services they provide remains intact. It’s the unmatched quality of the work being done there and the development of the MSC that has Wrangell “on the map” when it comes to marine repair and services. I would also like to continue to market Wrangell’s port facilities to the independent cruiser, small ship cruise lines, and fish processing facilities. Whether it’s the independent cruiser tied up in transient moorage, a cruise ship at City dock or a packer wintering over in Heritage harbor, all of them are important to the success of the ports and harbors that the commission has stewardship of.


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