Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

Many thanks to each and every person who shared their opinions with me whether you were for or against this initiative. Please know I appreciate each and every one of you that took the time to share.

I was one honored to have the freedom as a Citizen of the United States of America to bring forth an initiative to vote on by utilizing our government due process which is not allowed in other countries. I want each person who took the opportunity to do their due diligence as an American Citizen by going to the polls and voting take a moment and really think about this process and your right as an American to do so, to have a Voice, to experience the Freedom, of your Choice as an American Citizen and express your Constitutional Rights.

The reason this was brought forth is your government did not listen to their electorate, they had an opportunity to do what was right and they choose to keep .5 percent of your hard earned tax monies. Simply put your government greediness is what brought this thought and initiative forward to you the people to make the decision for they did not.

Whatever the outcome of this tax initiative may be, it is a time to realize just how fortunate we are living in the United States of America and that “We the People” do have the opportunity to make a difference. I strongly feel it is the duty of every American to fulfill our responsibility and that every vote counts.

Think about the very freedoms you have today as an American Citizen and take a special moment for the ones who have served our country, the many that have given their very life for the freedom that you and I enjoy and share today. There are no words that can or will ever be able to express my gratefulness and deep heartfelt appreciation to every man and woman that has served our country and their sacrifice for my very freedom to have a say. I salute each and every one of you.

Rhonda Christian

To the Editor:

Just a note to thank the ladies at the Senior Center, for all the great food, and pleasant service we receive Monday through Friday every week. It gives all of us a chance to visit with our friends and laugh for a while.

We really appreciate all that you do for us. I know that I speak for all that go to the lunches. God Bless all of you.

Jeannie Lindley


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