Police reports

Monday, October 21

Traffic Stop: Citation issued to Alexandra McMurren, 23, for Expired Registration.

Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for driving habits.

Welfare Check.


Automated Alarm: Employee closing up business.

Noise Disturbance.

Tuesday, October 22

Person reported dog charging him. Officer responded.

Wednesday, October 23

Officer responded to report of dog bite.

Thursday, October 24

Citation issued to Valerie Rene Nakamura, 38, for Time Limit Parking.

Arrested Randolph Mark Kalkins, 44, on charges of Assault in the 3rd Degree.

Friday, October 25

EMT requested for oxygen tank.

Person requesting assistance. Person stuck in elevator.

Officer helped citizen.

Saturday, October 26

Person reported his dog ran off.

Parking complaint.

Alarm going off due to unsecured premise. Officer secured premise.

Traffic Stop: Citation issued to Andrew Tyler Mathisen, 18, for minor in possession of tobacco.

Verbal warning for faulty equipment and driving with a provisional.

Officer requested to do a welfare check, all was fine.

Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for faulty taillight.

Sunday, October 27

Report of Suspicious Person.

Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for driving habits.

There was one ambulance call and two dog complaints during this week.


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