Police reports

Monday, October 28

Person reported losing a cell phone.

Caller reported they don’t have power at their boat. Harbor Dept. was contacted.

Traffic Stop- Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Officer gave verbal warning for driving habits.

Report of vehicle blocking school bus parking area at the Middle School. Vehicle has been moved.

Officer unlocked vehicle for individual.

Person reported their dogs missing.

Tuesday, October 29

Report of dog at high school with a tight muzzle around its neck and could hardly breathe. Officer responded, unable to locate.

Notice that they would be making a shot in the rock pit today.

Request for officer to unlock a vehicle. Officer responded.

Wednesday, October 30

Agency Assist/Alarm System.

Citizen Assist.

Arrested Dylan Franks, 23, on charges of Trespass/VCOR.

Person came to PD to report Harassment.

Thursday, October 31

Citizen Assist- Power Outage on Peninsula Street.

Citizen Assist- Unlock Vehicle.

Driving Complaint.

Traffic Stop- Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Traffic Stop- Verbal warning for driving habits.

Traffic Stop- Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Friday, November 1

Report of vehicle hitting part of a building. Officer responded.

Officer responded to report of incident with large knife.

Saturday, November 2

Report of gun shots fired.

Person stated they locked themselves out of their vehicle. Called back and found their key.

Arrested Theodosia James, 38, on charges of VCOR.

Another report of dog left behind after people possibly moving.

Sunday, November 3

Nothing to report.

There were two ambulance calls and two dog complaints during this week.


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