Obituary: Louise Amy Bradley, 62

Louise Amy Bradley, 62, died on October 28, 2013.

Louise was Tlingit, Raven/Frog and was born September 26, 1952 in Wrangell, Alaska to Henry and Fannie Bradley. She was the 6th if 11 children. She was named after her grandmother Louise Bradley, a founding member of ANS Camp #1. Louise was an active member of ANS Camp #1 throughout her life.

Louise loved to play bingo, pick berries and make cookies for her family. She found pleasure in playing with her cats.

She enjoyed sobriety for 30 years and used that as inspiration for others while working at the Bill Brady Healing Center in Sitka. Her compassion for people and her gentle way touched many people in her life. She moved back to Wrangell in 1985, where she continued to live until her death.

She was preceded in death by parents Henry John Bradley and Fannie Theadosia Nauska; sisters Lucille (Paul) Fluetsch, Dawn Hutchinson – Stevens, Alice Buchanan, Margaret Nauska; and brother Thomas Nauska. Her sister Rita Rae Perez died on Nov. 11, 2013 two weeks after Louise's death.

Louise is survived by her son Randy (Anita) Ferdinand; granddaughters Amy and Isabelle; sisters Anna (Tom) Conaster, Johanna Joseph, Patricia (Pastor Bryan) Rossen, Brother James (Sandra) Nauska; and many nieces, nephews and great-nephews.


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