Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

Thank you to those in the community who are bigger than Facebook. Thank you to those who look for the facts for yourself, rather than believe what you hear through the grapevine.

Facebook is a powerful tool. One that allows you to get in touch with old friends from around the globe, wish somebody a happy birthday, or sell some junk in your basement. It is also the perfect vehicle to ruin somebody’s reputation. A person can spend a lifetime building personal and professional relationships, hours upon hours trying to perfect their craft. They might give their blood, sweat and tears trying to better each and every human they come in contact with. Facebook can obliterate that effort in minutes with careless commenting and liking. The sad part is, especially in our tiny community, too many don’t want to wait or dig for the facts. It’s too easy to take the latest rumor, no matter how embellished or fabricated the story might be, and tell the first person that will listen, or everybody on your friends list. In fact, the person posting the stories doesn’t need the facts. They don’t even have to meet the person they are attacking, visit their place of work, or even speak to them on the phone. They don’t even have to live in the same city. Maybe it’ll impress people on Facebook by liking it. Maybe they’re the type that believes everything they read online.

How are we supposed to tell our teenagers not to post harmful messages when their parents are spreading online? Shouldn’t you get the real story before trying to potentially remove somebody from a position, forcing them and their family out of town? Just know that when you look or wait for the facts, certain situations can be avoided.

One last thank you, and that’s to the teachers and employees of Wrangell Public Schools. There is no job more important in this world than educating our children, and it takes the entire staff and community. Unfortunately, teaching can be a thankless position. We are lucky to have the educational staff that we do. Without you, Wrangell would not be the place I call home.

Aaron Angerman

To the Editor:

We had our meeting last Thursday actually for the prospective Cub Scout leaders and Merit Badge Counselors. We had 7 people who are not currently registered with the Troop show up, but only 2 of them were for Cub Scouts. We did not fill all the positions necessary to start the Pack, so unless I get some people who actually will take on the leadership positions, we will not be able to get the Pack back up and running. I need the following positions filled to start the Pack: Cubmaster, Committee Chair, Tiger Cub Leader (1st grade boys), Webelos Den Leader (4th & 5th grade boys), Assistant Webelos Den Leader (4th & 6th grade boys.) (It would also be nice to get an Assistant Cubmaster and additional Den Leaders.)

Thank you again.

Shirley Wimberley, Scoutmaster

Boy Scout Troop 40


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