Police reports

Monday, November 4

Nothing to Report.

Tuesday, November 5

Driving Complaint.

911 – Report of chimney fire – FD dispatched.

Traffic Stop – Verbal warning given for towing a trailer with no taillights.

Caller reported their dog missing.

Officer reported door open at business, closed the door and all looks fine.

Wednesday, November 6

Noise complaint reported – Officer notified.

Thursday, November 7

Citizen Assist – Dead battery – Officer arrived with charger to charge vehicle.

Agency Assist – Caller reported ambulance for person having difficulty breathing – FD notified.

Caller called stating someone had just hit a dog in front of their house. Officer responded.

Friday, November 8

Civil Matter.

Fire alarm going off – FD responded and turned it off.

Business alarm call received. Business called, all is fine.

Caller reported hearing an alarm going off at someone’s home. Calls made and everything is fine.

Saturday, November 9

Person needed assistance – FD notified.

Person came into the station with a puppy they found.

Sunday, November 10

Civil Matter.

Report of controlled burn.

Vehicle unlocked by officer.

Traffic Stop – verbal warning for driving habits.

Traffic Stop – verbal warning given for equipment.

There was one ambulance call and two dog complaints during this week.


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