Give your sins to Jesus

As I was doing my other Christmas shopping, I got the hint from the Holy Spirit that God wanted something from me that was unique. I was reflecting on what was uniquely mine and I had

difficulty discerning what it might be. I was looking for that which is of my own making, which I did not receive from God. If I am honest with myself all that I have received and continue to receive comes loving from God. Starting with the gift of my life, every breath, every new morning, every friendship and all my talents and abilities are God’s gifts to me.

I was stumped. Everything that I am is God’s gift, so what could be this uniqueness that the Holy Spirit is prompting me give back to God?

I realized that it was my sinfulness, because sin in alone is my unique creation. God does not create sin or suffering. It is me who injures others and receives injury because of sin. In the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy there is a practice of place our sins into the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because He is most desirous of them. God the Father sent Jesus to save us from our sins, to heal our wounds and ease our suffering. Jesus ministry is to invite us into the divine life of the Trinity now and for eternity.

I knew that Jesus came to save us from our sins, yet did He really want me to give Him my sins and suffering? The angel said to Joseph in a dream, “She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” (Matt 1:21) In the Communion Rite we pray, “Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world” three times and “Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world.” The more I prayed and investigated this issue I came to realize that Jesus is most desirous of my sin and suffering. It is the only part of me that I created myself and is the most appropriate gift to give back to Jesus.

Before you open the gifts under your tree, take a moment to confess your sins to God, giving Jesus the gift he most desires.

Fr. Thomas Weise

Pastor, St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church


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