Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

I think the recent cutting of trees on the Volunteer Park nature trail, apparently just to take the tops for Christmas trees, deserves some consideration. This is a heavily used recreational walk, with interpretive signs and doggy bag dispensers, not a remote area. There has been considerable effort and money put into developing this trail, with gravel path and benches. Obviously all who go there do so by choice, to enjoy the natural beauty, and get out for a little exercise.

  Footprints in the snow reveal many users come here each day, not to consume, but just to walk and observe the forest. Common sense tells us that this is a special use area for all to enjoy, and to leave it as you found it for the next person. We can go farther from town for cutting our Christmas trees, and show some regard for others in the true spirit of Christmas.

Walter Moorhead

To the Editor:

The results from Christmas Tree Lane were: 1st Place People’s Choice: The Turn of the Century entered by the Hommel Family. Tied for 2nd Place: Wise Owls entered by Senior Apartments, Bears Bears Bears entered by the Art Group and The Bird Tree entered by Terree Pino. Dr Seuss went to highest bid. Stikeen Stitchers went to second highest bid.

Thank you everyone.

Jacquie Dozier


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