Shekinah Glory of God

Many generations later the descendants of captives taken from Israel by King Nebuchadnezzar were anticipating the coming Messiah as prophesied by Daniel. They were watching the western night sky for a sign.

In their distant and ancient homeland of Israel, the much familiar light would glow in the distance once again. It signified the presence of God was back.

In earlier years Moses recorded a bright light that led Israel out of Egypt, through the wilderness and eventually to the Promised Land. A bright light or fire was also associated with worship in the Tabernacle. It was the presence of God or the Shekinah consuming the sacrifice.

The number of wise men is uncertain, but they made the time consuming trip to Bethlehem by following the light that is referenced as a star. It would direct them to the house were Jesus and his earthly parents were now residing. The shepherds had experienced the bright light earlier when the angels appeared and directed them to seek Jesus who was in the manger.

Lights, candles and stars continue to be very much a part of Christmas and are symbols of God’s presence.

Merry Christmas,

Doug Shoultz

Pastor, Wrangell Bible Baptist


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