Words of Advent

Prepare! Watch! Wait! Rejoice! Hope! Love! These are the words of Advent. The four Sundays before Christmas help us prepare for the coming Messiah. Yes, the baby in the manger that we adore and for whom we sing our lullaby carols, but we also prepare for the day when Christ will come again, just as he promised. We watch now for signs of his coming. Just as God’s kingdom broke into the world when baby Jesus was born, God’s kingdom continues to break in with signs of life—forgiveness, reconciliation, healing, and hope.

Last month when tornadoes ravaged the Midwest yet again, one reporter said, “One thing we know, when bad things happen good people step up to help.” As Christians we are living God’s kingdom life in helping ways all the time—a meal brought to a grieving family, a card of encouragement sent in the mail, clearing a neighbor’s snow-covered walkway, prayers for those in need.

Advent reminds us that while we wait for the new day when Christ will come again we rejoice in God’s presence among us now. We wait with a hope that endures the present time with patience, even and especially during times of suffering. As we make our preparations for Christmas may we keep our eyes and hearts open to Christ’s presence now as the light of His love shines in and among us.

Lynne Ogren, Intern Pastor

Island of Faith Lutheran Church


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