Police reports

Monday, January 13

AICS Alarm.

City Hall Alarm.

Criminal Mischief – Caller reported

someone broke out the window in their vehicle during the night.

Tuesday, January 14

AICS Alarm.

Caller requested help to unlock trailer door – Officer responded.

Agency Assist – Caller reported strong smell of diesel oil. FD notified.

Wednesday, January 15

911 – Ambulance and officer responded to assist individual.

911 – Caller requested officer for assistance. Officer responded.

Alarm going off, FD notified.

Call reported a missing dog. Person called later requesting officer assistance.

Traffic Stop – Vehicle moved to ASHA.

Traffic Stop – Verbal warning driving habits.

Thursday, January 16

Alarm for AICS.

Possible Domestic – Person report

altercation with individual. Officer responded.

911 – Several pocket calls.

911 – From business all appears okay.

Report of Theft.

Person came in regarding DVO.

Officer unlocked vehicle for individual.

Person called to have a vehicle unlocked. Called back to say vehicle has been opened.

Traffic Complaint. Officer responded.

Report of a small white dog missing.

Friday, January 17

AICS Alarm.

Citizen Assist – Caller requesting assistance to unlock vehicle.

Possible DV.

Traffic Stop – Verbal warning for driving habits.

Saturday, January 18

AICS Alarm.

There were two ambulance calls and three dog complaints during this week.


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