The Way We Were

February 5, 1914: The Wrangell Sawmill started operations for the season this morning and it sounds good to hear the buzz of the saws, it stirs up a commotion and livens things considerable. The box factory will also start as soon as conditions are favorable. Practically the same crew they had last year is working. Manager Wilson looks forward to a busy and prosperous season, which, we trust, will be realized. The mill means a while lot to the town and from now on there will be more money in circulation, as the mill pay-roll is no mean consideration.

February 3, 1939: A petition was submitted to the Town Council this week by the Alaska Purse Seiners Union Local No. 6 through its agent, W.G. Weis, calling attention to the need of public gridirons as an accommodation for fishermen and asking that the Council consider construction of the gridirons in some convenient location in the harbor. The petition states that the installation of gridirons this spring would furnish work for unemployed men and attract more boats to the harbor, thereby bringing added revenue to the city.

February 7, 1964: Wind gusts of near gale velocity destroyed the Binkley warehouse in the upper harbor off Case Avenue, and damaged several boats in the building during the wind and rain storm Sunday. Loyal Binkley, owner, said a gust raised and twisted the building, toppling it onto the beach. He estimated loss of the structure at between $10,000 and $11,000. Binkley said the warehouse would be towed away on a high tide and salvaged for its lumber by E.W. Hunter. He said it would not be replaced.

February 2, 1989: The odds were against them, but the Wrangell boys basketball team beat them - and three teams to capture the Southeast Alaska Division 3 A championship and a trip to the state tournament in Anchorage. And this year, the boys won't be going alone. Wrangell's girls varsity won a hard-fought battle against Mt. Edgecumbe to earn a berth in the state tourney. The Wolves finished second in the 3A region with a close loss to Metlakatla.


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