
Wrangell Ministerial Reflection

Last year my father died and left us with a wonderful gift. During the last years of his life he became a writer. He wrote stories from his childhood. He wrote about our mother, his love for her, and the things he found endearing in their relationship. He wrote about things he observed in the world and what they meant to him. One of the most precious parts of his collection is the ponderings of his heart which he addressed to my son, lessons about the struggles of life and his words of encouragement and advice for how to face these realities with dignity, courage, and faith.

I have been asked to help one of our Wrangell elders write the stories of his life. What a privilege and joy it is to listen, ask questions, and learn about this person and the ways God has been leading, healing, and blessing throughout his life. We all know someone who has stories to share. What a gift it would be to spend some time recording them in ways that could be enjoyed by their family and friends for years to come.

One of the services offered by Wrangell Hospice volunteers is to help people write down their stories. What would you like to say to your family? What memories are important to you? Whether you write your own memories or record the recollections of a friend or loved one, the effort will become a gift that keeps on giving.

Lynne Ogren

Intern Pastor

Island of Faith Lutheran Church


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