Police reports

Monday, March 3

Person reported lost items.

Person reported losing a phone.

Officer responded to a parking complaint. Vehicle was moved.

Officer unlocked two vehicles.

Tuesday, March 4

Person reported a theft.

Fire department requested and dispatched.

Officer responded to a

suspicious circumstance.

Wednesday, March 5

Harassment reported.

Report of MVA.

Verbal warning for no headlights on.

Arrested: James Michael Howe, 41, on charges of Assault III/DV and Interfering with report of DV.

Thursday, March 6

Found Dog – Returned to owner.

Disturbance reported from Stikine Inn – Officer responded.

Friday, March 7

Officer responded to report of a MVA.

Citation was issued to Timothy Gillen, Jr., 41, for Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance, verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Unsecured Premise: Officer stated all was fine.

Saturday, March 8

Person reported slick roads. DOT notified.

Citation issued to Richard James Eklund, 26, for No Proof of Insurance, and verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Officer’s responded to a noise complaint.

Sunday, March 9

Nothing to report.

There were three ambulance calls and two dog complaints during this week.


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