Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

I have another question for all people in public housing within the state of Alaska: Do you have headaches? Rashes? Are your kids underachievers, lethargic? This could be a sign of lead poisoning.

The federal government enacted laws for the identification and removal of harmful lead in housing, similar to asbestos. However the nepotism rampant within the state’s administration has ignored this fact, ignoring federal law.

This does put your children as well as yourself at risk. The build up of lead in a child’s system will lead to severe mental stunting that will be lifelong and irreversible. So demand to know when your housing was built and who certified it clean of lead. If they do not have a federal lead abatement license, they can’t.

Call AHFC at 907-338-6100 and demand to speak with a certified inspector today. Act now before it’s too late.

Kip Valvoda

To the Editor:

I recently read an editorial in the Petersburg Pilot regarding Wrangell Assemblyman Stough. So, I began to wonder if the editorial was also in the Wrangell Sentinel. I searched and searched, but could not find it in the Wrangell paper. So, I wondered why it would be in the Petersburg paper and not the Wrangell paper.

I wondered if the gentleman who wrote the editorial spoke with Assemblyman Stough or other Wrangell Assembly members. I wondered if the gentleman who wrote the editorial read the Wrangell Charter or Ordinances which Wrangell Assemblyman Stough referenced.

I wonder if the gentleman who wrote the editorial researched any facts and, if so, why did he not present them in the article. I wonder why the gentleman believes legal questions should not be answered by a lawyer. I wonder why the gentleman believes a Wrangell Assemblyman has no right to consult the Wrangell City Attorney. I wonder if the editorial was fact based or simply a fancy of fiction pulled from somewhere the sun never shines.

I wonder if the gentleman is suggesting the good citizens of Wrangell and Wrangell Assemblyman Stough have unswerving obedience to the whim and fancy of elected politicians, whether or not said politicians are within their rights in demanding such obedience, whether or not the demands are legitimate, legal, ethical, moral or not.

If absolute obedience is demanded regardless of its source, why is there public assembly meetings, why is there an assembly, why not just have a dictator who makes unilateral edicts which are enforced by brute force and stupidity?

Lastly, I wonder if the gentleman who wrote the editorial will allow this letter to be published in either newspaper.

Dorothy A. Hunt-Sweat


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