Meissner holds salmon derby lead after first weekend

Submitted results:

1. Derek Meissner 36.7 Babbler 5-12-14

2. Bobbie Robbins 32.0 Mill Creek 5-10-14

3. Scott Curley 29.9 Babbler 5-10-14

4. Butch Schmidt 29.2 Shoemaker 5-12-14

5. Rich Rhodes 29.1 Sunrise 5-11-14

6. Frank Grossardt 26.4 Mill Creek 5-10-14

7. Bart Churchill 26.2 Babbler 5-11-14

8. Wayne Kaer 26.0 Babbler 5-12-14

9. David Wolten 25.0 Babbler 5-10-14

10. Lanny Hamley 24.7 Greys 5-10-14

Local anglers will have slightly more fish and less strategy this year, according to the Salmon Derby Committee.

Fish and Game will allow a three-salmon bag limit for this year's derby, for the second straight year. In addition to the new bag limit, fishermen are reminded that proxy registration is required before claiming a prize.

Committee members are still looking for prize donations for the derby's prize table. The Derby committee is composed of Chairman Kim Covalt, Fred Angerman, Sr., Dawn Angerman and Cynni Waddington.

Weigh in stations will once again be Petro Marine (formerly Wrangell Oil) and Delta Western from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. An after-hours weigh in is available for the first time this year between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. at the Totem Bar. Weekend weigh-ins will remain at the harbor headquarters from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m..

Prospective donors can call 305-0552.


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