Letters to the Edito

To the Editor:

In this day of wanting everything given to us, reality often is overlooked. Here is a case: both responses to the question posed to Chuck residents reflect both sides of this concern. In the end as it affects this marine traveler, I will adjust as I have all my adult life, living on what I can afford or do. As I did when the Wrangell moorage began increasing, I reduced the times and days of moorage in Wrangell. Nothing personal in that action, just a case of living within my means recognizing cost increases are a living expectation reflecting spending dollars lost for those days not visiting. 

Choices, choices. We all make them. In this case, Meyers Chuck is a haven from harsh weather. Having a float is a luxury. The cove provides sufficient protection that a well set anchor will suffice, or one can become good friends with “Back Chuck” owners to use their private floats. There you have it. In the end when boating becomes too expensive, that too will result in another life adjustment. 

Al Johnson Ketchikan


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