Lack of membership could cripple local Forest Service project funding

A committee made up of local citizens who collaborate with and recommend

projects to the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) might disappear if new members don’t apply to fill current vacancies on the committee.

The Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) is made up of 15 voting members that choose where to direct Secure Rural Schools Act Title II federal funding.

“As far as being a member of this federal advisory committee, you get to make a direct recommendation to the federal government on how to spend appropriated dollars,” said Jason Anderson, USFS Petersburg District Ranger.

Since 2008, the RAC committee has recommended nearly $3 million in project funding around Petersburg, Wrangell and Kake.

The RAC has fully or partially funded projects in Wrangell such as the Highbush Lake Trail maintenance, the East Channel Paddlecraft Trail and the Volunteer Trail among others.

The committee will only have three active members after this October, due to the 12 seats set to expire.

Each member must represent certain interest groups ranging from organizations such as the timber industry, commercial or sport fishing, hunting and education

officials and environmental groups among others.

Congress has allocated $462,369 for fiscal year 2014, but that money will likely go back to the treasury if the committee doesn’t have enough members to form a quorum.

Congress has recently been funding the RAC on a yearly basis. RAC Committee Member Bonnie Demerjian said due to annual legislative appropriations to the local USFS, it’s taken longer to get the ball rolling.

“Because it takes so long, we’re trying to be ready for the next year if it’s funded,” Demerjian said.

Anderson said due to budget cuts to the district during the last decade, the RAC has served as an alternative funding source.

“The RACs willingness and interest in receiving those projects and making those recommendations has allowed the Petersburg district to leverage those RAC dollars and be much more competitive for our dwindling internal recreation appropriations,” Anderson said.

In order to function, the RAC needs two applicants per empty seat by October. USFS district officials will appoint applicants.

The RAC meets three to four times a year and travel reimbursement is provided by the USFS.

Applications can be picked up at the Petersburg Ranger District office or the Wrangell Ranger District office.


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