Police reports

Monday, July 7

Noise Complaint.

Citizen Assist.

Disorderly Conduct.

Citizen Assist.

Tuesday, July 8

Parking Complaint.

Police arrested Corey Torgramsen, 49, on charges of Violating Conditions of Release, DUI, Refuse Chemical Breath Test and Access of Persons with Restrictions on Purchasing Alcohol.

Parking Complaint.

Found Property.

Wednesday, July 9

Suspicious Incident.

Suspicious Circumstance.

Citizen Assist—Vehicle Unlocked.

Police issued a citation to Jacob Marshall, 19, for Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance. He also received a verbal warning for no taillights.

Thursday, July 10

Agency Assist—Assault.

Report of Assault.

Traffic Stop—Verbal warning for no trailer lights.

Domestic/Verbal—Verbal warning for disorderly conduct.

Friday, July 11

Agency Assist—Harbor.

Agency Assist—Random Breath Test.


Agency Assist—Fish and Game.

Police arrested Larry Aitken, 42, on charges of Resisting Arrest, Assault IV, Petition To Revoke Probation and two counts of Disorderly Conduct.

Saturday, July 12

Verbal warning for no taillights and expired registration.

Verbal warning for Disorderly Conduct.

Traffic Complaint.

Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Sunday, July 13

Police issued a citation to David McQueen, 17, for Driving in Violation of Provisional License After 0100 hours.

Agency Assist – Caller reported a kayaker stuck in the mud by LeConte glacier.

Gun shot reported. Possible seal bomb.

Police responded to a report of a disturbance. An individual had hurt their back and was upset.

There were two dog complaints and three ambulance calls during this week.


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