Earthquakes jolt Glacier Bay

A pair of mid-sized earthquakes occurred offshore in Palma Bay early Friday morning, about 49 miles west of Gustavus near Glacier Bay National Park.

The Alaska Earthquake Information Center recorded a 5.29 local magnitude (ML) quake at 2:54 a.m., immediately followed by a 5.89 ML quake. Further quakes and tremors continued throughout the morning with diminishing intensity. A 3.92 ML quake was recorded at 8 a.m., followed by multiple aftershocks.

“Everybody camping in our backcountry have reported that they’re all fine,” said Margaret Hazen, supervisory park ranger at Glacier Bay. According to Hazen, no damage had been reported or warnings received, though the second, larger quake had been felt by many at the park.

“Our Internet’s down, so it’s hard to keep track of what’s happening,” she said, adding that the lapse in service was just coincidental. “Really, it’s been a pretty typical morning.”

Alaska is recognized as being among the most seismically active regions in the world, with about 1,000 earthquakes of varying size happening each month. According to the Alaska Seismic Hazards Safety Commission website, about 45 mid-sized earthquakes, such as Friday’s two earthquakes, occur each year on average.


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