Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

It is with great delight that I return to Wrangell Public Schools this fall, and I am excited to welcome our families back to school. I hope everyone has had an opportunity to relax and reenergize and all are fully prepared for an exciting year of learning beginning August 25.

As we reluctantly say goodbye to Ms. Vickie and Mrs. Brown, after 25 years of service, I would like to thank them for all they have given to Evergreen Elementary. Congratulations to Ms. Kauppila who is now Mrs. Angerman.

I would also like to welcome our two new teachers, Ms. Laurie Brown and Ms. Michelle Jenkins. While change is sometimes difficult, it can also be a great catalyst for new learning and great growth. While our previous staff will continue to do the excellent job they have done, there may be some new things happening at our school, and we welcome parents to join our advisory committee meetings to participate in our movement forward.

We encourage parent and community volunteers and visitors. The more involved parents are in their child’s education, the greater their child progresses. Join us for Monday morning “community” assemblies to celebrate our successes and learn about upcoming events. Please check with your child’s teacher to schedule visits and help with class projects.

If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact Renate Davies at the school office at 874-2321 ext. 249 and together we will work to improve our school community.

Deidre Jenson

Evergreen Elementary Principal


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