Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

The beginning of our school year is quickly approaching and soon our students will be walking through our doors at Evergreen Elementary, Stikine Middle School and Wrangell High School. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of you to a new school year.

For those of you who I have not yet had the opportunity to meet, I am your new Superintendent, Patrick Mayer. My

background is quite varied since arriving in Alaska during April of 1982. I worked for the University of Alaska Fairbanks Palmer Research Center for many years conducting field research, was a teacher and subsequently held principal positions at elementary, middle and high school. Still, I consider myself a

life-long learner especially as I learn from the students we are here to serve.

The Wrangell Public School District is well known for an academically high achieving student population and a talented staff. Your

facilities are very well maintained and the community at large is exceptionally family oriented and supportive. I recently walked into the local library and was informed that 200 students had signed up for the summer reading program, and there were prizes everywhere atop the bookshelves that were donated by local businesses and private individuals as incentives for students reaching reading goals. In the five minutes while I was standing at the counter two children walked up the steps to meet the librarian eye-to-eye inquiring as to where they were at with their goals. That was a remarkable experience an as you might suspect. I have been impressed with my introduction to Wrangell.

During the 2014-2015 school year we do have some major tasks ahead of us. For those of you that do not know, Alaska adopted new education standards in 2012. Our students will be tested on those new language arts and math standards grades 3-11, beginning spring 2015. Without a doubt, these standards are significantly more rigorous than those we have experienced in the past 15 years. During the upcoming school year our staff will be transitioning to the new standards as we approach the spring test window.

Another priority for the 2014-15 school year will be the development of a new educator evaluation tool as required by the Alaska Department of Education. The new evaluation instrument must be in place for use during school year 2015-16 and it will need to be designed quite differently from the current evaluation tool we have in place. For example, 20 percent of the new educator evaluation 2015-16 will be made up of student growth data and by the 2017-18 school year the student growth piece of teacher evaluation will comprise 50 percent.

It should also be pointed out that all districts in Alaska are making the same adjustments and facing the same challenges. This is where it is so important and why we are so lucky to have a talented staff like here in Wrangell.

As a school community we will rise to the challenge and make the necessary adjustments to ensure that our students continue to be afforded all possible opportunities for success.

I would again like to thank you all for the kind words and support you have thrown

my way since my arrival. Please feel free to stop by and visit with me at any time. I plan

on being accessible, but if you wish to make an appointment to meet with me please call

874-2347 and Kimberly Powell will find a spot for you on my calendar.

Patrick Mayer



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