Obituary: Randy Allan Hooker, 60

Randy Allan Hooker was a devoted father and loving friend. He was the true embodiment of a free spirit, dictating the narrative of his life with little regard for social norms and convincing all those who would listen to do the same.

Words cannot do justice to the breadth of knowledge and expertise Randy acquired through his extensive travels and unique experiences. From Alaska to Australia, California to Colorado, Randy influenced the lives of many and left impressions the globe over. He was the rare type of individual who could accomplish any task, master any skill and would never hesitate to get his hands dirty.

His renowned abilities were only surpassed by his love and compassion for all those fortunate enough to have this charismatic soul in their lives. Randy opened his heart and house to people from all walks. Always the life of the party, his strong and warm personality had an irresistible magnetism which ensured that he was constantly surrounded by friends, family, or simply those in need of guidance or encouragement.

It has been said that we truly experience two deaths: the physical extinguishment of life and the death of the memory that occurs when our name is spoken for the last time. Randy is survived by an extensive immediate family: Jesse, Mēgan, Travis, Spencer, Nolan, Logan, Jā; broader still is the family of brothers, sisters, grandparents, cousins, nephews, grandchildren, in-laws, friends, confidants and acquaintances whose lives were all made better by knowing this amazing man.

While his physical life is over, Randy has ensured that his memory will live on for generations to come.


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