Local volunteer wins grant money for summer camp

Like catching halibut with a herring, one good deed can sometimes attract another.

Wells Fargo announced Monday it will contribute $1,000 to Camp Carmel on Vank Island to honor its Wrangell-branch service manager Aleisha Mollen's efforts there as its assistant program director.

For three years Mollen has volunteered at the summer camp as a youth counselor. She also provides weekly one-on-one counseling sessions for local youth at Wrangell Bible Baptist Church, which provides free meals for teens on Thursday nights.

"It's very gratifying to know that I'm impacting these kids' future," said Mollen. "They are our future business owners, our future school board members, our future everything. Supporting our youth creates a snowball effect that makes the whole community better."

The money comes through the bank's Volunteer Service Award program and as a grant will fund scholarships for ten children to attend Camp Carmel, which fosters spiritual growth.

Wells Fargo reports that last year its Alaska team members reported 10,250 volunteer hours. They served as mentors, board members, project leaders, fundraisers, educators and more.

The bank invested $1.5 million in grants to more than 300 nonprofits and schools in Alaska last year.


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