Public comment sought on 2015 ferry schedule

The proposed Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) schedule for next year’s summer season has been placed on the service’s website for public review.

The public comment period is an opportunity for communities in Southeast to review and comment on the proposed schedule, particularly as to how planned events might be better accommodated.

The proposed schedule can be accessed through a link on the homepage at or at

Written comments will be accepted before Sept. 23 via email at, or by fax at 907-586-8365.

A teleconference to hear comments and consider adjustments is scheduled for Sept. 25 at 10 a.m. for Southeast Alaska schedules. The meeting will be held in Ketchikan at the Marine Engineering Facility. The toll free number to participate in the teleconference is: 1-800-315-6338, with the conference code 3902#.

AMHS is managed by the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, with 11 ferries serving 35 communities. The department’s mission is to “keep Alaska moving through service and infrastructure.”


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