Wrangell-hosted SEC was a success

Despite the at times uncooperative weather, the Borough of Wrangell successfully hosted this year's annual Southeast Conference at its Nolan Center, from Sept. 16 to 18. About 180 visitors arrived for the three-day conference, fully booking every inn, hotel and lodge in town. Volunteers opened their houses to some attendees as well, but to accommodate the remaining attendees Trident Seafoods allowed the conference use of its bunkhouses.

Volunteers were essential to the event's success, fixing refreshments, setting up tables at the Nolan Center, shuttling visitors about and distributing information kits and complimentary bags. Visitors to the conference were by and large pleased by the reception.

Speakers included industry figures, tribal leaders, government officials, resident experts, salespeople and civic organizers. Together they addressed shared regional concerns while also promoting progressive solutions, in keeping with the conference's goal to unite the region's communities to promote better health and stronger economies.


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