Cabin removal plan posted online

The United States Forest Service announced that its Tongass National Forest Sustainable Cabin Management project details are now available online. The environmental assessment, maps and appendices are located under the Project Documents – Analysis tab at

The Forest Service is proposing the removal of nine cabins, and the conversion or replacement of three others with survival shelters.

Wrangell Ranger District will be affected by the plan.

“We’re going to remove one cabin,” explained Ranger Bob Dalrymple, head of the district.

The 14-by-16 foot hunting cabin is located in Stikine-LeConte Wilderness lands on the southwest corner of Farm Island, overlooking Binkley Slough. Dalrymple explained that in recent years, use of the cabin has dropped to nil.

“The slough is filling in, so people can’t get to it anymore,” he said. The slough has gradually become more shallow, with the changing tides and fallen logs making access more difficult.

While some of the cabins picked for removal in the management plan are in an unsalvageable condition, Dalrymple explained the one at Binkley Slough will be declared surplus and sold off.

“It’s a very nice cabin, it’s in a very nice location,” said David Rak, recreation forester for Wrangell’s Forest Service

district. But there are other, private cabins within a reasonable distance from the Forest Service’s one at Binkley, and Rak explained demand for its use remained low as a result.

When declared surplus, Dalrymple said it will be the purchaser’s

responsibility to remove the cabin from the property. Details have yet to be announced.

Elsewhere, the district will gain a cabin as well, at Zarembo Island. A former field camp for workers will be converted into a large-group cabin, serving a need there and maintaining Wrangell District’s cabin count at 23.

The ranger said he hopes to have it ready for use by next summer.


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