Moose totals at week three comparable to last year

As the third week of this year’s moose hunt came to a close this past Sunday, the current harvest is still slightly ahead of last year’s numbers.

According to Alaska Department of Fish and Game biologist Rich Lowell, a total of 72 moose were reported killed for the Petersburg-Wrangell area, compared to 71 last year. With a few more reported taken Tuesday, the number stands at 74.

Twenty-five have so far been taken on the Stikine River, and another 27 on Kupreanof Island. There were also six harvested on Mitkof Island, five at Thomas Bay, three apiece on Wrangell Island and at Farragut Bay, and one apiece at Port Houghton, Virginia Lake and on Woewodski, Kuiu and Zarembo islands.

Monday marked the beginning of the fourth week of this season, which began Sept. 15 and will end Oct. 15. Last year’s harvest saw 92 moose killed.

According to ADFG

regulations, legal bull moose this year must have a spike or

forked antler; or a 50-inch-or-greater antler spread; or three or more brow tines on one antler; or two or more brow tines on both antlers.

Hunters are required to report their kills within five days to their nearest ADFG department offices in Wrangell, Petersburg, Douglas, Kake or Sitka. Reports can also be filed online at, and are due by Nov. 3. Failure to comply can result in ineligibility for permits next year.


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