Lack of quorum further delays Planning and Zoning agenda

Wrangell’s Planning and Zoning Commission twice lacked a quorum at its scheduled evening meeting Nov. 13 and midday Monday rescheduling.

Due to scheduling difficulties, Commission chair Terri Henson and Economic Development Coordinator Carol Rushmore were alone in the City Hall chambers at the Thursday night meeting. All seven commissioners were then notified of a rescheduling to Monday, but only Henson, Dorothy Hunt-Sweat and Don McConachie were able to attend.

“Sorry everybody,” Henson said, as some residents had shown up to Monday’s meeting. After waiting for a little while, no other commissioners seemed able to appear. “I just feel terrible,” she told them.

With the extended Thanksgiving holiday and other travel to consider, Planning and Zoning was unable to determine whether another postponement would be possible or if it would have to take up from where it left off at its next regularly scheduled meeting on Dec. 11.

Items for commissioners to consider include:

• A request to vacate remainder of alleyway adjacent to Lot A and Lot C, Bay Company replat; request to vacate and purchase portion of Silvernail Work Road adjacent to Lot C, Bay Company replat; and request to purchase portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block B, Sortyard Subdivision, zoned Waterfront Development, requested by David Power, manager of the Bay Company.

• Preliminary plat review of Sea Level Subdivision II, a proposed subdivision of ATS 81, creating Lot 1 and Lot 2, zoned Waterfront Development, requested by Sea Level Seafoods LLC, the lessee, owned by the City and Borough of Wrangell.

• Preliminary plat review of Edgley-Massin Subdivision, the replat of Lot 7-I, 7-J and 7-S, bolck 67 Mt. Dewey Farm Addition Resubdivision and Lot 1-C Roberts and Massin Subdivision, creating Lot A and Lot B, zoned Single Family Residential, requested by Warren Edgely.

• Encroachment Permit Application for a sidewalk awning on Lot 5, Block 1A, ATS 83, 106 Lynch Street, zoned Commercial, requested by Rental Properties LLC.

• Conditional use permit application for a home occupation to build and operate commercial greenhouses and growing towers on Lot 4B-1, USS 2589, zoned Rural Residential, requested by Dixie Booker.

In addition, the Commission has been asked by the Port Commission and Harbor

Department to discuss the future need for Silvernail Work Road, with the possibility of vacating the right-of-way that runs through The Marine Service Center property.


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