Planning and Zoning's Silvernail right-of-way problem remains unsolved

Wrangell's Planning and Zoning Commission finally had a quorum when it met for its Dec. 11 session. Commissioners were last able to meet on Sept. 11, with a number of items pending for their review.

Still under discussion are requests by Bay Company manager David Powell to vacate the remainder of the alleyway adjacent to lots A and C, Bay Company Replat; vacate and purchase a portion of Silvernail Work Road adjacent to Lot C; and purchase portion of lots 1 and 2, Block B, Sortyard Subdivision.

The road largely exists conceptually, cutting across The Marine Service Center lot and connecting Silvernail with Episcopal Street. The Bay Company would like to purchase an undeveloped section of the road bordering its property, as well as an alley connecting Front Street to Silvernail running between the company and MSC.

That would have the borough vacate all the way to The Marine Service Center lot's fence line. Bay Company currently makes use of the property for equipment storage, but would like to be able to fill in and fence off their yard.

“You have made a motion basically as it's written, but there are concerns about access easements, utility easements,” Borough Economic Development Director Carol Rushmore told commissioners. “So your motion is not specific enough to direct us.”

Commissioner Don McConachie amended the motion to include a 20-foot public access and utility easement. However, a disagreement over the exact dimensions involved led Planning and Zoning to wait for more detailed information before making any final decision.

The future of the Silvernail right-of-way continues to be uncertain, as the city departments involved remain divided on a solution. While Rushmore recommends maintaining the right-of-way in case the city wishes to eventually build the road, Harbormaster Greg Meissner has at past meetings expressed an interest in abandoning the idea, since a right-of-way would prevent any permanent development from occurring along its course in the boatyard.

Commissioners also discussed and approved the preliminary plat review for Sea Level Subdivision II, a proposed subdivision of ATS 81 creating lots 1 and 2 zoned Waterfront Development. The review was requested by the lessee, Sea Level Seafoods.

The commission approved the preliminary plat review of Edgley-Massin Subdivision, the replat of lots 7-I, 7-J and 7-S, block 67 Mt. Dewey Farm Addition Resubdivision and Lot 1-C Roberts and Massin Subdivision, creating lots A and B, zoned Single Family Residential. The review was requested by Warren Edgely.

They also approved an encroachment permit application for a sidewalk awning on the 49th Star Building at the corner of Lynch and Front streets, proposed by Rental Properties LLC dba PRIVCO; a conditional use permit application for a home occupation to build and operate commercial greenhouses and growing towers by Dixie Booker; a conditional use permit application by Trident Seafoods to modify an existing permit from a two- to a three-story bunkhouse at the Sylvester Replat and a variance application to modify an existing permit reducing off-street parking requirements there; and a variance permit application by Michael Howell for reduction in setback requirements for

construction of a residence on Lot T-3, USS 2321.


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