The Way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

January 14, 1915: One of the prettiest little hits of the season in the show line was pulled off last Saturday and Sunday evenings at the Wrangell Photoshow when eight Wrangell children appeared in a one act school burlesque entitled “The Village School”. The act was put on under the supervision of Messrs. Woodworth and Purcell. The act was a decided hit and the children all bid fair to become some of the future favorites along that line.

Nearly all of the large papers of the cities have increased the cost of their papers from one to two cents. The reason for this is the big increase in the cost of white paper.

January 12, 1940: Elections of the officers of the Cannery Workers Auxiliary Union will be held January 19 from 12 to 7 p.m. and at the crab and shrimp canneries during work hours, it was announced by J.B. Cauley, agent. Candidates for the office of President are Viola Loftus and Walter Johnson; for Vice President, Magie Binkley and Frances Villarma; for business agent, secretary treasurer, J.B. Cauley and Charles Sadler. Six are to be elected to the Executive Board and candidates are Stan Hulse, Alice Wies, Nelie Devenney, Francis Villarma, Santos Lanado, Ethel Casey, Myrtle King, Bernard Lanting, Mrs. Sig Aardal, Barney Oldfield, Myrtle Severson.

January 8, 1965: Wrangell gained 33 new citizens during the year 1964 with 33 births recorded, according to vital statistics compiled by Deputy Magistrate Joel Wing. There were 14 marriages during the year and 20 deaths. Over the 14-year period since 1951, there have been 563 births in the community, 167 marriages and 204 deaths, the statistics show. The big year for births was 1956 with 57 recorded.

The Wrangell Wolves, fresh from a double win over the strong Prince Rupert Club, are determined to sweep the two game conference with Petersburg. The two teams split a pair of closely played games earlier in the season on the Petersburg court.

January 11, 1990: If midwinter boredom is setting in, Community Schools/Islands College and the University of Alaska Southeast have many classes starting in January and February, according to coordinator Jill Kline. Community Schools/Islands College is offering five classes in the next month. Students wanting to take the Myth, Dream, Vision and Symbol workshop Jan. 13 and 14 are encouraged to keep a record of their dreams starting now and read the book, “The Wizard of Earth and Sea” by Ursala Leguinn. The class will meet from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Fundamentals of Algebra beginning Jan. 16, will re-familiarize students with algebra Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7-8:30. A personal and business financial management workshop on Jan. 23 at 7 p.m. will teach you how to get ahead financially by working at it. There will be no charge for this class.


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