Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

My evolution as a responsible dog owner: Two dogs ago sweet Tippy shared my home. She roamed the neighborhood and deposited her poop at will. Raised on a farm, I thought that was okay. My apologies, everyone. Next came manly Luther, whose deposits filled the back yard. I learned to trudge outside every week or so to clean up after him, and even bought myself a poop-scooping spoon. Then I spent time in Ethiopia, where various forms of excrement are to be seen everywhere. Lots of it. Now I’m home again, with a new companion, adorable Archie. I keep plastic bags right by his leash. When we go out, I’m right there to bag any droppings. On our walks around Wrangell streets we pass many piles left by other dogs. Some of them are huge. Sorta brings back memories of Ethiopia.

Alice Rooney


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