M.S. wrestlers host first tourney of season

Seven teams and 74 wrestlers travelled to Wrangell last weekend for the 2015 Stikine Invitational Middle School Wrestling Tournament, coming out from Ketchikan, Craig, Hydaburg, Thorne Bay, Klawock and Petersburg.

"It's gone really, really well," said Wrangell Public Schools' activities director, Jack Carney. There were no serious injuries or adverse weather, and enough help to make the tournament proceed ahead of schedule.

Refereeing for the weekend were Marty Massin of Petersburg, formerly a Wrangell alumnus; Darren Miller, and Roger Miller, both of Wrangell.

The Stikine Middle School Cougars took third overall for the weekend, with 12 players scoring 143 points. Schoenbar Middle School of Ketchikan came in second, with 21 wrestlers scoring 195 points; Petersburg's Mitkof Middle School took the tournament, with 24 students scoring 210 points.

"It went alright," said the Cougars' coach, Steve Miller. Six players made it to the finals, or half of the team. Of them, Jonah Comstock, Jean-Luc Lewis and Julia Niemi took first for their weight classes.

Ryan Rooney, Hunter Weiderspohn, Dillon Rooney, and Skyler Loft took second places; Alex Rooney, Chase Kincaid and Riley Blatchley took third for their classes. Julia Niemi also took second place for the 133 no-track round robin.

Miller said many will continue on at the high school level. "Hopefully all of them," he added.

"Some kids are brand-new," said Carney."Middle school is just getting them ready for high school."

He said the nice thing about this invitational was that wrestlers were able to get more mat time than is usual, about three or four bouts per participant rather than the usual double-out.

"Round robin was great because it got kids extra matches," he added. More mat time means the kids get more experience with tournament play before getting into the high school programs. Wrestlers were also matched up according to level in addition to weight, allowing for more instructive competition.

In addition to the round robin matches, the tournament took an early break for exhibition matchups before the finals, due to swiftly-moving play.

In all, it was a good start for the team's first tournament of the season.

"It's going really well," said Miller.


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