Back to drawing board for Parks reschedule

It was back to the drawing board for a new multi-year fee schedule at the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board’s monthly meeting Feb. 4.

The Wrangell Borough Assembly rejected proposed schedule increases put forward at last month’s meeting, saying a number of the rates seemed too high.

“Afterwards we decided let’s get together and hash this out,” said the department’s director, Amber Al-Haddad. A public meeting was held jointly with the Assembly on Jan. 21, gathering further feedback on where the new rates ought to be set.

“I’ve put together some new options,” she explained. These include the phasing in of “couple rates” for adult pool users, phasing out of the pool’s corporate discount, and readjustments to RV park and community center rentals.

Reexamining the schedule, Al-Haddad said the board would prefer to hold off on forwarding adjustments to the pool and gym facilities rates until an economic feasibility study could be undertaken.

“They’ll be working with the new director on that,” she said.

Al-Haddad’s replacement, Kate Thomas, will begin employment starting Feb. 18. Thomas has spent seven years working for Wrangell’s AICS Crossings program, acting as its director for the past two years.

Al-Haddad has already stepped in as the head of Wrangell’s Public Works Department, and has been heading both departments during the transition.

The board will also be holding a new logo contest, to devise something for use by the parks and recreation department. Board members will pick between three and five submissions to bring to the public, possibly during Wrangell Medical Center’s annual Health Fair in April. This would be similar to previous contests held to decide on logos for the community garden and public market.

“It was nice to get the public eye on it,” Al-Haddad recalled, saying it will be good to engage the community again on this departmental logo.

The prize for the contest’s winner has not been determined, but a person can submit as many applications as they like. Forms outlining the rules and restrictions will be made available in the City Hall lobby or online at Entries must be submitted by March 20 for consideration.


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