Bahá'ís Celebrate Ayyám-i-Há

February 27 local Bahá'ís hosted an event to celebrate the Bahá'í holiday of Ayyám-i-Há in the Evergreen Elementary Multi-Purpose Room with a buffet of international foods, fellowship, entertainment, and games. Music filled the air as various children sang and or played violin to provide entertainment. A violin duet was played by Jack Roberts and Sophie O'Brien, and Renee Roberts sang a song while she was accompanied by Sophie O'Brien on violin. Laura Helgeson sang the Tlingit song "Working Together", while Jade Balansaq drummed, and Lee and Chrysalis Balansaq each sang a solo, while their mother Lynn played guitar. Karen Morse played guitar, accompanying Silje Morse and Chrysalis Balansaq, who sang "We Are All the Leaves of One Tree." Culminating the fun activities was Larissa Seikawitch, who added some more international flavor by teaching some Russian folk games.


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