Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Thank you for including an article about our arrival as resident pastors at Island of Faith Lutheran Church on Page 9 of the March 12 issue of the Sentinel. We do need to correct one item in the welcome article. It indicated that we were candidates for a more permanent resident pastoral position at Island of Faith. We are actually resident pastors for this three month period of time and will be followed by different pastors at the end of that time who will serve as resident pastors into the summer and fall seasons.

We are enjoying getting to know folks around town as we shop in the stores, pick up our mail and see neighbors doing yard work or walking their dogs. Thank you for the unseasonably mild weather for our first month here!

Island of Faith Church and other member churches in the Wrangell Ministerial invite all Wrangell residents and visitors to share worship in the church of your choice in this Lenten-Easter season. Wrangell is a beautiful place to mix great fishing with quiet reflection on all God’s blessings in your life each day. Thanks again for all your warm welcomes to us.

Pastors Tyger and Tod Penson


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