photo submitted by Shirley Wimberley count
Wrangell Troop 40 Life Scout Curtis Wimberley perches on the back of his new Arctic Cat all-terrain vehicle, which he won during the Great Alaska Council door prize drawing last November. Participating Scouts received a ticket for every $1,200 worth of popcorn sold from August to mid-October; Wimberley earned three, selling to people in town and family friends in the south. The vehicle arrived earlier last month and is the boy's first. "I haven't had much time to go up the road and do anything with it," Wimberley said, but he plans to give it a spin this summer. The $3,618 he raised will go toward his travel expenses to attend the World Jamboree in Japan at the end of July. "I've wanted to go there for quite a while," he explained. A Scout for 11 years, Wimberley is working on earning his Eagle this year.
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