Dan's Dispatch

The commercial fishing and seafood processing industry is Alaska's largest private-sector employer. The fishing industry employs tens of thousands of individuals producing billions of pounds of seafood for the U.S. and the world. The industry pays over $250 million a year in taxes and fees, and 65 cities, boroughs and municipalities directly benefit from Fisheries Landing and/or Fisheries Business taxes. The seafood industry is critical to maintaining a healthy Southeast economy.

In Wrangell, the estimated 2013 ex-vessel income was $13.9 million. Earnings were generated from commercial fishing and circulated in the local economy through property and sales taxes, purchases, utilities, transportation, and other services. There were 372 processing jobs in Wrangell, accumulating to $4.7 million in wages. In addition to direct harvester and processor workers, fisheries-related jobs include hatcheries, fuel, accountants, hardware, marine repair, supply businesses and many more. Virtually every business in Wrangell benefits from commercial fishing dollars.

It's in support of this valuable industry that I have introduced a resolution in the Alaska State Legislature. HJR 16 seeks to protect Southeast fisheries from damage by trans-boundary mines, and highlights the high standards Alaska holds its mines to. The issue of trans-boundary mining is international, as water moves from Canadian upriver mining projects down to our coastline. Upstream mines in Canada must be carefully reviewed and held to the highest standard. HJR 16 highlights the safety and productivity of Alaskan mining projects. Alaskan mines are subject to an intensive and scientifically-based schedule of regulations in their permitting processes. Southeast Alaska's mines have a strong record of environmental safety.

A healthy fishing industry and mining industry can go hand in hand. HJR 16 is positive for those who fish and for those who mine in Southeast. HJR 16 urges the state legislature to support the International Joint Committee's involvement in trans-boundary mining issues. The International Joint Committee is composed of both Americans and Canadians who work together to solve issues between our two countries.


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