Wrangell wrestlers heading 'Down Under' for tournament

Two of Wrangell High School’s wrestlers will be traversing the equator this summer, taking their skills to Australia and New Zealand for Down Under Sports’ 27th annual tournament.

JD Barratt and Ian Jenson will join 126 other United States wrestlers for the international invitational, which brings in teams of secondary-school aged wrestlers from around the world.

“With two of those coming down from our community, that’s a lot,” Barratt commented.

The trip will last 12 days, spent split between Brisbane, Australia, and Auckland, New Zealand. The tournament itself lasts from June 27 to July 5. The trip abroad will be a first for both boys who have been raising funds for the journey.

Barratt went to local businesses and homes, and by the beginning of April was within $1,200 of his goal. Jenson began raising funds at the beginning of March, also drawing support from local businesses.

“I think it is a real cool thing,” commented Jeffery Rooney, coach of the Wolves high school wrestling team. The team took seventh at the State Championships in December. Both Barratt and Jenson have been wrestling since elementary school, and Rooney felt the trip would be a unique opportunity for them within the sport.

“Being young men just coming into the program, I think it’s very uplifting,” he said. “I think it’s a great thing.”

“It’ll be fun,” said Jenson.

Barratt is also looking forward to the trip. “Getting to meet new people, getting to see two completely different countries from ours, and making new friends,” were some reasons he gave for making the trip.

A fan of the Lord of the Rings series, whose panoramic views were filmed in New Zealand, he is also looking forward to seeing that island country’s natural beauty firsthand. Plus, Barratt intends to take an extra three-day stop being offered in Hawaii on the way back.

“I always like it warmer than most people,” he commented.

Those interested in pitching in as a sponsor for the boys can visit http://www.downundersports.com.make-payment, or call Barratt for further details at 660-7195.


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